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3D Printer Fire Safety

For a full tutorial or to find out more about this project, visit:


About a month ago, my 3D printer was in the middle of a print when a short circuit occurred. Two tripped wire portions touched and began to carry a dangerous amount of current between them. This got out of hand quickly and began to burn off the wires PVC shielding. Had I not been around or noticed the smoke, the printer would have caught fire. Luckily though, I was able to turn off the printer before any major damage was done.

This served as a wake up call to me, I now realize how dangerous running a 3D printer unattended is. The goal of this project is to detect, alert, and reduce the damage of any electrical fires. As well as to bring peace of mind to cautious 3D Printer owners.


This build required me to code in Arduino C, create an electronic schematic, design a 3d printed enclosure, and execute the engineering design process. The electronics used in this gadget were a Sharp Dust Sensor, Arduino Nano, 2 channel relay, 25 mm fan, wires, an arduino buzzer, and a push button. All of these electronics fit into the 3d printed housing. The housing is mounted on or near the printer to detect smoke.

Final Thoughts

It was a blast to build this project and to help others recover their piece of mind when it comes to running printers unattended. I hope that this device helps to prevent the excessive damage caused by electronic failures that have been coming up all over the web recently.

This device will emit a loud alarm and cut power to the 3D Printer when smoke is detected. The alarm will sound for a period of time specified in the Arduino code. The button resets the Arduino but will sound the alarm again if a hazard is still present.

For Moer information and a full tutorial, visit:


© 2018 by Miles Nash.

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